Design and production of a smart bus stop
VDS has developed the concept of urban comfort facilities for public transport passengers – a network of public transport stops.
High level of comfort and safety.
Microclimate creation systems (heating or air conditioning according to the season), video monitoring, gadgets charging, Internet access, remote control, as well as structural concepts for the modules (suitable for use in heavy working conditions) deliver the desired level of comfort and safety to the passengers.
The lineup of ‘smart’ public transport stops.
The lineup of ‘smart’ public transport stops from VDS Design and Development Center adopts the modern urban minimalism concept, entails the modularity (the possibility of functional retrofit), as well as the size selection and the construction type (the availability of a close or open module and a commercial zone).
This approach makes it possible to create an urban network in a cost-effective way depending on the allocated expense and the location of the public transport stops: in city center, bedroom communities, places with high passenger traffic or business district.